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Do you have a web based solution? If so how it looks in your mobile? Responsive Design is not a trend any more – it’s a necessity. At any given time, your website/application/solution is simultaneously being viewed on computers, tablets, and smart phones, which have different screen resolutions.

Responsive designs enables your website/application/solution to reach people across multiple devices. For your customers, it ensures a seamless experience, no matter what device they are using or the screen size is.

You do not need to build mobile version of your website/application/solution any more. The mobile version of website/application/solution used to be designed specific to certain screen resolutions and many of the features presence in the desktop version has been cut down for the mobile version. With responsive designs, customers do not need to waist money for building different version of website/application/solution. Considering the fact that Mobile devices comes with different screen resolutions, responsive designs are the best option to render your website/application/solution in different devices without loosing any major features.

The major advantages of using responsive designs for your website/application/solution are:

Money saver: You can build a website/application/solution that works perfectly across lots of different screens. No more shelling out money for multiple versions.

Consistency across all devices: Users expect consistency across all platforms. Most mobile sites have alternate navigation settings – and less content – than their desktop counterparts.

SEO loves responsive design: Responsive websites come up higher in search engine rankings. You’ll have one SEO strategy to deploy – and one set of analytics to crunch.